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Office phone +34 91 148 8267

Cellular phone +34 682 745 975 (click to call)

Business Park Europa Empresarial

C/Rozabella 8,

Edificio Paris, oficina 12

28250 Las Rozas (Madrid)


3D imaging from core to pore

CoreTOM is a multi-resolution 3D X-ray microscope optimized for high resolution, large field of view imaging of full cores down to microplugs. 


User Benefits:

- Samples up to 1 m in height

- Resolution down to 3 µm (JIMA resolution pattern)

- Fast scanning - high sample throughput

- Intuitive volume of interest selection

- Dynamic in situ imaging

Obtain high resolution data without losing track of the bigger picture

The CoreTOM is ideal for multi-scale and multi-resolution imaging of larger volumes, such as geological materials. In application areas like oil & gas research, ore & mining and environmental science is a multi-resolution approach often necessary to obtain a complete and representative overview of your sample. Entire core samples up to 1.5 meter can be imaged to provide an overview of the variations inside. Details of the pore network or minerals can be obtained by real-time zooming in on selected regions based on the overview image.

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