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Business Park Europa Empresarial

C/Rozabella 8,

Edificio Paris, oficina 12

28250 Las Rozas (Madrid)



Fully automated ion beam dilution system for TEM/XTEM sample preparation.

Technoorg's UniMill model of ion mills has been designed for extremely fast preparation of high quality TEM/XTEM samples with an unmatched high dilution rate.

The instrument design allows for both rapid milling with the ultra-high energy noble gas ion source and final polishing and cleaning with the patented low energy ion gun.

    User-friendly and automated operation The widest energy range on the market (100 eV- 16 keV) Load lock system for fast sample exchange Choice of LN2 or Peltier cooling. Online monitoring and support

  • “Dual function ”

    The wide energy range of the ion sources allows extremely high milling rate and gentle cleaning function with the same instrument.

  • User-friendly and automated operation

    The UniMill is provided with full computer control utilizing an easy-to-use 

    graphical interface. All milling parameters can be stored or pre-programmed 

    in arbitrary number of steps. This fully automated feature of the UniMill allows 

    to produce high-quality samples with minimum user intervention.

  • Sample cooling

    To cover all possible needs UniMill offers two different cooling options:

    The Liquid Nitrogen cooling reduces excessive sample heating during the ion bombardment. 

    Thus, heat-sensitive materials can be prepared without destabilization of internal structures.

    Peltier cooling is a comfortable protection against overheating and to keep the 

    sample on room temperature.  


Fast, motorized sample exchange

The load lock and motorized sample holder drive system provide quick and easy sample exchange with as little user interaction as possible. The load lock protects the vacuum level in the work chamber to save significant time and energy for heavy users.

Online monitoring and support

The UniMill is supplied with a software extension for online support, allowing instant error detection and program removal via the Internet.

Gentle Mill

Gentle Mill, model IV8 for final polishing and cleaning.

Gentle Mill

Gentle Mill is a dedicated model with a unique design for the final polishing of previously prepared TEM and/or FIB samples. The patented low energy ion source and special sample holder help to achieve the highest quality for any demand.

  • Automated operationFinal step for a perfect resultProtective transfer capSpecial adapter for Hitachi microscopesOnline monitoring and support

  • Automated operation

    The advanced software of Gentle Mill provides fully 

    computer control with a detailed graphical interface. 

    All milling parameters can be stored or pre-programmed 

    in arbitrary number of steps. This fully automated 

    feature of the Gentle Mill allows to produce high-quality 

    samples with minimum user intervention.

    Automated perforation detection helps to protect 

    the sample against over-milling and makes the preparation 

    safe and easy. 

  • "The final step"

    The excellent performance of the patented ion source offers 

    an effective, but very gentle cleaning capability to improve the 

    quality of the already prepared TEM or FIB sample. 

    This model is suggested for users, who are looking for the 

    best result or have special needs.

  • Protective transfer capsule

    The newest feature of Gentle Mill gives the possibility of transferring 

    extremely sensitive samples under vacuum or inert gas environment. 

    The transfer capsule offers an efficient protection against oxygen, 

    vapor or other components what may destroy or contaminate the sample 

    surface while carrying.


Special 3D adapter for microscopes

Special adapter is available for Gentle Mill, giving you a quick, easy and safe solution to transfer any sample to Hitachi TEMs. There is no need to waste time and risk the sample while it is being transferred between the preparation device and the microscope, the same 3D sample holder can be used.

Online monitoring and support

The Gentle Mill is supplied with an online technical support software extension, allowing instant error detection and program removal via the Internet.


Traceable Transmission Electron Microscopy Calibration Sample

This unique calibration sample can be traced directly to the crystal lattice constant of silicon.

    Image magnification at all magnification ranges Constant camera calibrations Image rotation/diffraction pattern calibrations

Ti Disc

Special embedding grid for TEM/XTEM samples

  • Titanium disc

    This specially designed titanium grid simplifies the embedding procedure 

    of plan-view and cross sectional samples. The disc is available in 

    5 different sizes for having the most comfortable choice 

    for all the applications.


Sample Preparation Service (TEM)

Sample preparation service. The preparation fee depends on the complexity of the sample, do not hesitate to request our quote.

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