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Business Park Europa Empresarial

C/Rozabella 8,

Edificio Paris, oficina 12

28250 Las Rozas (Madrid)


Robust 3D measurements in production

The IF-SensorR25 is a solid 3D optical measuring instrument for automated measurements of shape and roughness in production. The sensor is integrated into a production line and provides high resolution, traceable and repeatable results when measuring the characteristics of a surface on the micrometric or submicrometric scale. Therefore the IF-SensorR25 is a platform that allows the use of the same measurement process both online and in the measurement laboratory. Its support of standardized interfaces (eg QDAS) and fast and easy integration into production lines allow easy comparative measurements. In combination with a 6-axis coloborative robot, the IF-SensorR25 sensor is used as a colloborative system - Cobot - for maximum flexibility when performing quality control measures and measuring microstructures in large components.

Technical specifications

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