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C/Rozabella 8,

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Improve your chances

Discover the GOM Inspect Pro line

for ACTS Q

GOM Inspect Pro Line offers you a wide range of features for accurate scanning and inspection, no matter how complex the task or how detailed and challenging the surface. Experience improved functionality, intuitive handling and benefit from clearly organized results. Work with live tracking and rear projection to enable the most precise positioning of components in every environment, and combine scanning with probing using a touch probe. GOM Inspect Pro Line for ATOS Q: improve your chances.

GOM Inspect Pro Line: a new level of...


ZEISS Reverse Engineering makes it easy to generate a CAD model from scanned data, such as polygon meshes or point clouds, and guides you step-by-step through the workflow.


ZEISS Reverse Engineering offers corrected CAD surfaces with the highest precision. This is essential if you want to produce plastic parts that have very high precision requirements.

General description

Prepare your data with features like gap filling and flattening, then follow up with features like dynamic best fit or extrusion.

Three characteristics that make the difference

live tracking

This feature helps you position your parts during assembly or for alignment before milling. A useful complement in the production process.

rear projection

Experience easy projection of features directly onto physical parts to support machining or visualization, and work with more detailed and distinctive measurement results.

touch probe

Combine scanning with probing to measure deep cavities, boreholes, or other areas that are optically difficult to reach. GOM Inspect Pro Line tracks touch probe and helps your workflow. Immediately see your results.

Simplify your workflow with a new set of tools

Characteristics GOM Pro Line Update Hardware requirements *
live tracking AND -
rear projection AND -
reflection detection AND -
Adjustable adapter concept AND Adapter
motion analysis AND -
User of the Touch probe AND touch probe
Automatically generated projection AND -
Gray value features AND -
Extended calibration options AND -

How to get more out of your ATOS Q

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